Megin DeCarlo from VH1's My Big Friggin' Wedding

Megin DeCarlo, from VH1's My Big Friggin' Wedding,  has a lot of things to say -- especially for brides worrying about their wedding day!

Read a sneak peek of one of Megin's tips for keeping cool, during your wedding day.

Here is one of Megin's top tips for keeping cool during your wedding day:
"Plan for emergencies! No, not like the Mayans predicting the end of the world in 2012. If that's the case,you should be worrying about your bucket list instead of your guest list!  What I'm talking about is more of the last minute tragedies like the ripped garter, missing button on your grooms tux, the run in your stocking or the dogged heel you got from taking pictures in your Mom's backyard. Make sure you have a sewing kit, first aid kit and a pair of comfy shoes for those aching tootsie."

Megin Klunck DeCarlo is the CEO of The Johnny Meatballs Empire, but she has her own aspirations. Also a tried and true Jersey girl, Megin is street and book smart, as well. She plans to write her own book all about planning the ultimate Jersey wedding, on a budget. Before running the JME, Megin was a businesswoman in the male-dominated world of corporate America. She was a top performer at Dale & Thomas Popcorn and always lead the pack at every sales position she held. Megin is a mother of two boys, and nothing is more important to her than her kids. She also is very interested in heart research, a cause that she holds very close to her own heart, as her oldest son Matthew was born with a heart condition that amazingly never slows him down—or her. She hopes to someday start her own heart charity.
See Megin in action and listen to all her hilarious tips at Bride Chic, on December 2, 2010 from 6-10pm at the Woman's Club of Ridgewood, in Ridgewood NJ.
Visit Megin on Facebook here - Megin Klunck DeCarlo

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